Saturday, April 2, 2011

The Mama's a baby/toddler repair kit. The Daddy? Well...

She's like a baby/toddler repair kit. Well, not just like -- she is.

Nails too long? The Mama trims them up.

Hair too frizzy? The Mama trims it off.

Teeth dirty? The Mama brushes them clean.

Rashes break out? The Mama comes with lotions and potions.

Teething? The Mama brings on the soothing.

Snotty nose? The Mama wipes it off.

Feverish? The Mama has a cool washcloth.

Diaper rash? The Mama has the bottom cream.

Can't sleep? The Mama tickles the arms and makes it better.

Bonked head and skinned knees? The Mama has the kisses and hugs.

The Daddy has a cold? The Mama makes it all better.

The baby keeps the Mama up at night? The Mama keeps it all together.

Yeah, so what about the Daddy? Well, he's like a baby/toddler cuddly bear play thing.

Oh, and cuddly vulture as well. You know, when the toddler won't eat all the "adult" food on her plate, the Daddy swoops in and polishes it off.


Hey, I like to eat. Waste not, want not.

1 comment:

  1. The Mamma sounds practical, ready for anything and all around terrific. I bet she has a great sense of humor as well.
