Sunday, December 20, 2009

Year One: Silent Shriek, Holy Shriek

Do you have the Santa pictures from 1-10?

How many of them were you crying in? Probably the early years for sure. My first couple were huge criers and after my sister was born my mom had us take the Santa pics together and her first two were the same.

I need to get copies of those; my mom has them safely tucked away in one of many memorable family albums. Good times.

Now we've started our own Santa series with Beatrice.

Year One: Silent Shriek, Holy Shriek

Merry Christmas! We hope you're feeling the holiday love. We're sharing.


  1. Totally feeling it here...Merry Christmas and a Super Happy New Year to you all!

  2. Thank you. Happy New Year as well!

  3. Good pic. Our son sat on Santa's lap but refused to smile. At least he didn't cry. Merry Christmas!

  4. Good for Braden. Bea was letting him have the angst!

    Merry Christmas!

  5. The Oldest was seven months old on her first Christmas. When my girlfriend and I took our children to see Santa, The Oldest took one look and let out a scream you could hear three states away. No photo with Santa that year. So I can relate to "Silent Shriek, Holy Shriek."

    Merry Christmas and Happy 2010 to you and your family!
