Sunday, June 6, 2021

Taking Care of the Poop

I won't poop in our trailer camper. I'll pee in it, but I won't poop. Ever since we bought our camper last summer, and on every trip since, I've had a restroom close by in the RV campgrounds to do my business. 

The camper bathroom is tiny, but that's not the problem (although they could've installed the damn thing at a diagonal angle). We treat our camper toilet tank with the proper chemicals as well, so that's not the problem either. I'm not sure what the problem is exactly, I just know I have one. Whether I use it or not, however, I'm the sewer guy who takes care of the poop.

We don't flush toilet paper in our camper toilet. Instead, the rest of the family (not me) puts the toilet paper in a zip lock and then we throw it away each day of our trips (you may have traveled to places that don't want you to flush toilet paper). Even with the toilet chemicals that break down the, well, the stuff, we decided not to flush the paper. They can more quickly over time gunk up the toilet tank, more so than the, well, the other stuff. That may be too much information for some, but for those you and your families who have an RV, or have friends or family who have one, you understand.

My wife Amy and our two daughters, they do use the toilet for both, and also use the campground bathrooms. We'll never be tent campers (although I never said I'd own an RV either). Even when I romanticize my childhood tent camping with my family at Huntington Lake in the Sierra Nevadas, I don't miss the fact that we don't do that now. And if we did, we'd still have the campground bathrooms or outhouses to use. 

Even when Amy romanticizes hiking along the Pacific Crest Trail (think the novel Wild and the movie starring Reese Witherspoon), it's never gonna happen. The year after we met, Amy and one of her best friends took a safari trip to Africa and camped in tents in Serengeti National Park. It was an amazing trip until they all got dysentery for a few days. And that was the end of tent camping for her. Plus, hiking and camping in the wilderness means you dig a hole and you bury your poop, and while both us could do it, we don't want to do it. 

In full disclosure, since I've already let the poop out of the bag as they say (not sure who "they" are and if that's really what they say), I did poop once in the camper. We were in Joshua Tree a few months ago, and Amy and the girls went off on a Hollywood excursion while I stayed in the camper to watch our dog Jenny and catch up on some work. And that's all I'll share about that. 

Amy and I have been taking care of our own poop for decades now. As kids we eventually learned how to take care of our own business. The same thing for our own children; we took care of their poop until we didn't have to, although as parents, you know the variance in that waste equation. When we did decide to buy our trailer camper, taking care of the waste equation for Mom and kids was critical. 

We're now halfway through this year's summer road trip of camping, one that echoes a trip Amy and I took 14 years ago in May of 2007. A trip where the idea of the girls was born. Or, the idea of children for us was born. A two-week trip through the Southwest and many gorgeous National Parks, including Bryce's namesake (Bryce Canyon National Park). Another amazing family journey generating many more loving memories to add to our grateful jars, and Dad taking care of the poop, unconditionally. 

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